Important Things Residents Must Know About When Restoring Water Or Fire Losses In Grand Rapids MI

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It is quite common for fires to start in the kitchen. Take care to ensure that you don't leave any combustible material close to sources of heat. e.g hot stove tops. It's important not to leave items cooking on the stove unattended as they can quickly boil over and start a fire. If you make fries at home, be very aware of the dangers posed by heating oil at high temperatures. Most of these tips are very basic and simple but they can and do help to prevent fires starting.

A common source of leaks is from rubber hoses that come loose or perish with age. Check the hoses connected to your dishwasher and washing machine regularly and replace if necessary. Accidentally leaving your bath water running unattended is not a good idea. Also running your dishwasher or washing machine just before you go to bed at night could greet you with a flooded kitchen in the morning if anything goes wrong. Follow these simple tips to reduce the chances of flooding your home.

Do not rely on your insurance company to be the sole judge on what damages and losses you have suffered when making a claim. You know better than anyone else what items have been damaged or destroyed by fire or water. You can assist your insurance assessors by compiling your own list with as much detail as possible.

The damage caused by fire and water is not always obvious and getting a respected local restoration company to come in and give you professional advice is always a good idea. They will know what to look out for and are experienced in dealing with insurance assessors. Although this time can be very stressful for you, keep a clear head and trust your local experts to guide you through the process of restoring your home.

Fires can start from a multitude of seemingly safe situations. People fall asleep while they have a lighted cigarette in their possession. Christmas trees can also be a source for starting a fire. If the tree has dried out or contains flammable material, the heat from the likghts can easily start a fire. Make sure you have a smoke detector and regularly check to see that it is in working order. Lastly, keep a fire extinguisher in an easily accessible location so you can quickly extinguish any fires from spreading.

Trying to do your own water damage restoration is certainly not adviseable. It requires specialist knowledge and equipment to take care of the many and varied tasks involved. Find a local contractor who is licensed to handle at least the following issues: crawl space, basement and structural drying,sewage clean ups, sanitization, disinfecting, mold treatment and carpet cleaning.

For more helpful information and our telephone contact details, please visit our Water Fire Wizards website at


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