Essential Facts Home Owners Should Consider When Claiming For Water Or Fire Damage In Tucson AZ

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Prevention is definitely better than cure when it comes to flooding your home with water. Regular maintenance of your appliances can go a long way to preventing nasty unwanted leaks. Check the pipes / hoses from your water heater, dish washer and washing machine. Also make sure that you don't have any blocked drains and that all your faucets are properly turned off. It's amazing how a dripping faucet can quickly cause a problem if left unnoticed.

There are many reasons why people do not claim the maximum amounts allowable under their insurance policy. Make sure you read you policy carefully to see exactly what is covered and for how much. Are you covered for emergency hotel accomodation? If yes, for how long and to what value. If your car was damaged, is it covered by your policy?

Going on vacation and coming back to a water damaged house can instantly wipe away your happy holiday memories. Before you go away, make sure that you have turned off your main water supply to the house. If you live in a state where winter temperatures get very low then there is always a risk of pipes freezing. Set your thermostat low but enough to prevent this happening. Also you can ask a neighbor or friends to periodically check your home.

Due to the complex nature of both fire and water damage, it's best left to experts to decide what items can be restored and how to restore damaged items. Besides the obvious damage caused by buring, fires can cause smoke damage and leave both black soot and unsightly scorch marks. Damage caused by water will depend on the source of the water. Clean water is reletively straightforward while dirty / contaminated water may need professional treatment due to health implications.

If you are hit by a major source of external flooding, there is not much that you can personally do to stop it. However you can mitigate against the damage it may cause to your possessions. If you live in a property with rooms upstairs you can move expensive items to the higher level. Also remove any personal items of sentimental value. You can also try placing sand bags outside your property to try and reduce the ingress of water.

All heating appliances are a potential risk to starting fires in the home. e.g. open flame heaters and electric heaters. This is especially the case where open flames are involved. Take care not to leave any flammable products close to heating appliances. You are at most risk during the cold winter months when you need to keep warm. Sparks from burning wood fires pose a real danger.

For more helpful information and our telephone contact details, please visit our Water Fire Wizards website at

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